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Tira Ora



Labyrinth of Nations

@ Tira Ora Estate - Pelorus Sound – South Island – New Zealand

Who - Interns from around the world involved with Tira Ora's Global Exchange program

What - Have built a large outdoor map of the nations and seas of the world, in the form

of a labyrinth.

Where – The project is located within Tira Ora Estate, North West Bay, Pelorus Sound, New Zealand.

Why - To encourage cultural understanding, promote world peace and protection of the environment.

How - Walking through the Labyrinth of Nations will help people to realise “It’s a Small World, after all”; and that we need each other, to maintain health, wealth, and happiness.

When – ongoing 

Would you like to contribute to this project? ... by simply sending a flag, plant seeds or seedlings,and/or a gift representing your nation, to be included in the Labyrinth of Nations?

The hard work has been done, by Global Volunteers, over the past few years: land has been levelled, 120 poles have been erected and painted, garden plots have been prepared and fertilised.

We are now ready to receive flags and ethnic gifts to be placed in the labyrinth to represent your nation.

Thank you for your anticipated participation in this project.


Annebeth Riles and Anthony Broad

Representing Volunteers for Labyrinth of Nations