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Around the Lodge

A range of old specimen trees - native (karaka, tanekaha) and exotic (copper beech, , tulip tree) - tower over the lodge gardens.  The gardens comprise an eclectic mixture of native and exotic trees (totara, fig, lemon, silver birch, strawberry dogwood, golden ash), shrubs (rhododendron, camellia, kanuka, manuka, koromiko), grasses, ferns and flowers.

The Jetty Track

A row of pines marks the shoreline, backed by a tall forest of native (karaka, etc) and exotic (eucalyptus, macrocarpa, Norfolk pine, magnolia, Turkey oak) species with native understory.  Ponga, wheki and nikau are common in the understory, with frequent epiphytes.  The ground is covered with a variety of small ferns (hounds tongue, etc) and seedlings (coprosma, Hall’s totara, kaikomako, etc).