Our Philosophy
"Some people blame things on circumstances. We must rise up and create new circumstances" George Bernard Shaw
We believe that there are no excuses for N.Z. young people and their families to be slaves of criminal activities, due to distorted thinking from over-use of alcohol, drugs and substances.
We believe that there are no excuses for abuse of children, parents and elders.
We believe that there are no excuses for untreated depression that leads to suicide.
We believe that there are no excuses for untreated aggression that leads to violence & murder.
We believe that there are no excuses for people to be caught in the poverty trap, when our communities have so much work to be done.
We believe that there are no excuses for the lack of clear understanding of good and evil, and guidelines for right and wrong behaviour.
The NO-EXCUSES philosophy offers the tools for a new beginning in life.
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Restoration - Justice - Healing - Peace
Tira Ora Estate, Pelorus Sound
Private Bag 65013, Havelock 7150
New Zealand
Phone: 03 579 8117
Email: annebeth@no-excuses.co.nz
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