NET Training in Prisons & Youth Justice Centres
| Hello to all our comrades in Corrections!
It used to be said,
"Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil."
Almost impossible to do in this day and age. People need to learn a new way.
Evil has made its marks on the past three generations, shattering communities, families, and people.
The good news is that once an offender is caught, and taken out of circulation, they can be cleaned up from the inside out; before being released to have another crack at life.
We do not make excuses for violent offenders. We correct them by putting them through a process that helps them to examine themselves in a 50 point programme.
We also clearly teach the difference between right and wrong, according to the Ten Commandments.
We heal memories from the past. And teach forgiveness, to uproot bitterness.
This training is called No-Excuses, named by a hardened criminal who was completely transformed by the process.
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Restoration - Justice - Healing - Peace
Tira Ora Estate, Pelorus Sound
Private Bag 65013, Havelock 7150
New Zealand
Phone: 03 579 8117
Email: annebeth@no-excuses.co.nz
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