No-Excuses Training (NET) Service Provision
No-Excuses Training was created with the aim of rehabilitation and restoration of young people, who are demonstrating offending behaviours. NET can be viewed as an expression of care, protection and education in line with the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990), and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration on Juvenile Justice (1985). Implementation of the service provision will deliver social, cultural, educational, vocational, psychological and medical assistance, that young persons may require, in the interest of wholesome development. NET's long range goal is to contribute to the maintenance of peaceful order in society.
The service provision delivers with a holistic approach, including development of the body, mind, spirit, family, and positive contributions to society.
We view each young person as a dynamic whole, able to transform, by active experience within an environment geared for that purpose. We guide energy into productive outlets, rather than offending behaviours and crime. We motivate young people from inertia into constructive activities, that serve as a starting point towards the conquest of the individual's goals and aspirations.
We examine the internal and external causes of attitudes and behaviours. We balance the building of self esteem with self control.
The process by which young people learn acceptable and unacceptable behaviours is called socialisation. We teach the 10 Commandments as the rules for acceptable behaviour. Therefore, young people learn not to steal, lie, kill etc. and the reasons why. They are also taught to honour their mother and father, and to respect positive authority, instead of negative authority as found in gangs.
We believe that to transform offending behaviours into responsible citizenship, and to widen young people's perspective on life, they need to learn in an orderly way, and be surrounded by positive role models, in an environment geared for that transformation.
We offer that prepared environment at Tira Ora Estate, in the Pelorus Sound, of New Zealand. The same venue serves as a Training Centre for facilitators to learn the methods of No-Excuses Training.
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Restoration - Justice - Healing - Peace
Tira Ora Estate, Pelorus Sound
Private Bag 65013, Havelock 7150
New Zealand
Phone: 03 579 8117
Email: annebeth@no-excuses.co.nz
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