FBC Training 2013-2016
We have Training available for establishing a FBC in your community.
Together WE can make positive changes in this generation and in generations to follow.
For FBC Facilitator Training information for your community contact:
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Media Page
Thank you for your interest!
To arrange an interview, please email your request to
or ph: 03 5798117
We are currently interviewing interested people to film a documentary of the development of this initiative.
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight ."

There are
"NO-EXCUSES" to not love one another. We are all God's children, sisters and brothers. |
Act Now...Sign up Today
1. Read through the website
2. Sign up for FBC Training in your Community.
3. Attend Facilitator Training and Learn Everything you need to know to START UP a FBC...its as easy as 1,2,3 !