FBC Training 2013-2016
We have Training available for establishing a FBC in your community.
Together WE can make positive changes in this generation and in generations to follow.
For FBC Facilitator Training information for your community contact:
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- Why Do We Need Family Building Centres?
Because the abuse, neglect, and violence in our families is unacceptable. The problems do not go away by ignoring them.
- Are Family Building Centres only for people affected by domestic violence?
Family Building Centres are places to up-skill in every part of family life. We teach healthy living, body, mind and spirit.
Eliminating family violence is only part of the picture.
- What are the Friday and Saturday Night activities?
We know that using alcohol and other drugs are bad for family life.
We also know that people love to get together and socialize. So we have Friday and Saturday night activities at the FBC that are lots of fun, without the use of substances.
- Can a FBC be set up in someones home?
Yes, but we do not recommend it. FBC's are opened to everyone in the community, and therefore is a Community House facilitated by 24 hour staff and volunteers. Many people in our communities will need correction as offered by our No-Excuses program, before you could trust them in your own home.
- Aren't there plenty of parenting courses out there already?
Yes, but parenting is only one part of the things you will learn at a Family Building Centre. The materials in our FBC library of Books and DVD's are from the best sources of information that we could find, on every aspect of family life.
- Isn't family life natural, why does it have to be taught?
It is natural for children to imitate their elders. Sometimes the examples that are set are good, and sometimes they are bad. We actively break the cycle of intergenerational abuses, and promote positive family life, by patterning a good example.
Act Now...Sign up Today
1. Read through the website
2. Sign up for FBC Training in your Community.
3. Attend Facilitator Training and Learn Everything you need to know to START UP a FBC...its as easy as 1,2,3 !